Thursday, 2 June 2011

Airflo international final

Hi Guys

Sorry I havent updated recently I have just been so busy. But anyway here is a report of my experiences.

We set of on Friday the 20th in high hopes for the day ahead even though it was 4 in the morning. We arrived at Grafham water to find a gentle ripple and plenty of cloud cover. I was down to fish with Rob Edmund s on practice so we got of to a good start in Valley Creek where I caught a fish on a small buzzer booby before Rob had even set up. It wasn't long before it was 3-0 to me but then Rob started to get fish pulling. we fished all the way round the lake and established the fish holding areas so we left to prepare for the next day.

The conditions on match day were good so I decided to pull early on and them fish buzzers in savages. I was partnered with Graham Watson former England coach and we agreed that Valley Creek was to be our first call. I got two pulling early but it went quite so we moved to sailing club, there was lots of fish being caught here but they were small so we went to savages. We fished buzzers in here all day to have a great day.

The final result was not as I hoped but I was into the top 20 so for a junior in a senior match that was quite good. I had a thoroughly enjoyable day. I would like to say thank you to the Anglian Water staff and to Rob for a great day of practice and Graham for a good competition day.

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